thy blog owner.
Nicholas Yeo~!
Hello~ Photobucket

hear your voice.

the big big world.
spontaneous applause.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Title :
Time : 12:29 PM

In lesson now, they gave us a 10 mins break, just hope I write something here, and hope that you will read it.

I don't know what else to say, try as I might I just dont seem to be able to please you, I gave you all my time, all the effort I could muster to try and make it better for you, so you don't feel so lonely. These past 5 months I have done and endure so much things that sometimes I just want to lie down and sleep for 2 days straight. With no one and nothing other then just a bed, pillows, and you in my arms. you might not know this but that one move makes me feel so much better and more refreshed, it's all I need to get through, I can don't need bed also, just you. Your the one that makes it all better, I can't explain it any more than that.

your my best friend, best person in my life, best of everything. Sorry I don't have time, sorry I get tired some times and just want to rest, sorry I did not listen to your problems. I always wanna know more about you, know about your everyday, cause I wanna be part of your everyday.

Hope you would still want me in your everydays.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Title :
Time : 1:06 AM

Blogging now cause can't really sleep, feeling very tired and just well, really tired. I miss you very very much. Just wanted you to know that. And your the reason I put myself through all these. I love you.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Title : surprise. =)
Time : 11:32 PM

